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NEW: Instead of blocking access to asylum, Biden should be fixing system that deports refugees to harm. “Scarred, Then Barred” from Ohio Immigrant Alliance shows how bias, ignorance, and supremacy in US immigration courts is sending Black Mauritanians back to their persecutors.


US immig court decisions are life-altering. Courts rest on a foundation of racism, power imbalance + coercive control. “The System Works As Designed: Immigration Law, Courts + Consequences” shows how racism + dysfunction are feature, not a bug, of system.


Deliberate design flaws in immig court:

✔️ quasi-judicial (not independent)

✔️ power imbalance

✔️ legal landmines

✔️ subjective standards = opening for bias + racism

✔️ political influence

✔️ quantity over quality decision-making


Breanne J. Palmer, Esq.: "This report highlights connections btw criminal-legal system, mass incarceration, mass detention + immig courts. We hope this report will help overhaul immig law + courts in favor of accessibility + meaningful due process for all who seek safety in US."


“Dystopia, Then Deportation” readout of strategy sessions co-hosted w @MauritanianFor @CamAdvocacy on Black migrants’ experiences in immigration court + detention, creating a structure that actually serves ppl it's supposed to protect #BehindClosedDoors


"Diaspora Dynamics" = 84 reports about Black immigrants to help media, policymakers + researchers AND to challenge gvmts, researchers, philanthropy + society to emphasize, prioritize + systematize data collection re: Black immigrants. #behindcloseddoors 


84 reports about Black immigrants in US AND readout from "Dystopia, Then Deportation" with actionable recommendations @ #BehindClosedDoors #ReuniteUS 
